Top 10k strings from Lords, The (19xx)(The Lords).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 ~xqjd]VPJE@<864222468<@EJPV]djqx~ 1 }vpib\UOID?;853223469=AFLQX^elry 1 |unhaZTNHC>;75322347:>BGMSY`fmtz 1 ztmf`YSMGB>:74322357;>CHNTZahnu| 1 yrle^XQLFA=964322358;?DIOU\5 1 urrrrggghhh) demo then you'll know that you are supposed to give your regards to people you don't know. So here are ours Greetings to: Der Hansie (if he does something for me he can earn 20 quid, 30 quid if he swallows it) 1 SCRUNK woz ,ere. 1 SCRUNK ART- 1 LORDS-CODE 1 IT*S MY BIRTHDAY 1 Game in an Afternoon!! 1 ENTER YOUR NAME 1 DESIGN DESIGN 1 B09A;8@:7?96>85=74<63;52:4193082/71. 1 8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?2>2>2>2>2>2>2>2>2>3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C 1 1 BIG FALL 1 0Written by John Pickford 1 0HI, did you enjoy your coffee ? 1 .009000on 2nd Nov 86 (in the afternoon)008000The deadline for Zub is tomorrow007000 1 . the people who DID sponsore: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well, because of the overwhelming support, we couldn't fit them all in. 1 *SORRY--CHICKEN'S OFF!! 1 *HO! HO! VERY FUNNY! 1 *HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU 1 *Don't you mean CRYSTAL? 1 * If any German is reading this, ZOINKS wants his bike back 1 ()(((())())) 1 % Very special thanks to : Mr. Cray (for lending his pocket calculator) Heineken (For his inspiration) Public enemy number one (for letting me step on him) the chair for keeping me in touch with the computer 1 ":u*0u#~26 1 " This was it. But if you have any comments, encouragements or Rolls Royces write to : SCRUNK, 1 the orchard 1 the ladies from the peepshow and finally Mr. Dujardin and other miracles. 1 or was it northeast ?? 1 and this all in 10 minutes. 1 We hope this demo encourages other people to write demos for the SPECTRUM too. 1 To make this demo possible we used: 3 monitors 12 joysticks 6 mainframes 3 mortgages 6,000 pencils 500 kilo paper 6 peep shows no programming skills (wot ?) 1 CASIO PT20 1 CASIO CZ 101 1 CASIO CZ5000 1 fairlight 1 12 channel mixing console 40 tracks recorder digitaldelay the voice of our parrot (speech) 500 feet low noise cable 4 miles of tape 1 nerve wrecked father the musical inspiration of a bird dropping 5 bottles of Coke 12 lines of coke 1500 MWh 1 1MBit SPECTRUM Mr. Cray's calculator Mrs. Thatcher's wig a pair of rifles to keep the school's principal away 72 sixpacks of beer the contents of 2 Mc Donald's 1 The Queen Mother David Whittaker (great music) 1 The Judges in general 1 Thanks to R.Mies D.Gommeren E.Damstra SCRUNK 1 Roosendaal, 1 Once upon a time in no land at all (oh no, not again...) 1 Once upon a time far, far away (actually, just around the corner) in a dark glloomy land to the west, er south, er north 1 Guys, guys stop this crap and go on will you !? 1 First, let us introduce the people who didn't sponsore this program: PHILIPS ATARI SONY MY MOTHER EXXON THE SAUCEPAN and the VICCAR'S DOG. 1 D.J.G. and SCRUNK Systems Ltd. 1 Coko (I wanted to have a graphical representation on screen, but I ran out of pixels) 1 Clive Sinclair (great computer) Jack Tramiel (great belly) 1 6 SAVE DEMO 1 5 BIG DIPPER 1 47, Elisadonk, 4707EC, 1 4 CIVILISATION 1 3 TELEPORT 1 .ANONYMOUS 1 "SCRUNK.1" 1 !006000This afternoons grap 1 We made this demo to show people what you can't do with the SPECTRUM's sound and graphics. 1 WELCOME TO THE DEPRESSION DOME. 1 If you've ever seen a COMMODORE 64 (blll 1 Saving this TERRIBLE DEMO.